Structure 1JUD

Enzyme Functional Domain

EFD Name BLAST Pct Identity/
Pct Aligned
Maps via UniProtKB Superfamily Subgroup Family
2-haloacid dehalogenase 100.0% / 100.0% Yes Haloacid Dehalogenase C1.5.6: HAD, Beta-PGM, Phosphatase Like 2-haloacid dehalogenase
2-haloacid dehalogenase 99.56% / 100.0% Yes Haloacid Dehalogenase C1.5.6: HAD, Beta-PGM, Phosphatase Like 2-haloacid dehalogenase
Percent identity and alignment length from the BLAST match of the Functional Domain sequence to the PDB sequence.
"Yes" indicates that a GI associated with this Functional Domain was mapped to the PDB ID via UniProtKB.

PDB Molecule Name: L-2-Haloacid Dehalogenase | PDB: 1JUD | Catalytic Site Atlas: 1JUD | EzCatDB: D00248