Top Level Name

  ⌊ Superfamily (core) Radical SAM

    ⌊ Subgroup BATS domain containing


     ⌊ Family 3-methylornithine synthase (PylB-like)

Total 100% <100%
Functional domains 42 42 0
UniProtKB 48 48 0
GI 179 179 0
Structures 1
Reactions 1
Functional domains of this family were last updated on June 10, 2017
New functional domains were last added to this family on June 22, 2014

Pyrrolysine is the 22nd naturally occurring amino acid residue and is formed from two lysine molecules in a reaction pathway that requires three proteins: PylB, PylC and PylD. PylB, the first enzyme in the pathway, shares the CxxxCxxC canonical [4Fe-4S] binding motif that marks it as a member of the radical SAM superfamily. PylB is responsible for the isomerisation of L-lysine into (2R,3R) 3-methylornithine. It is currently unclear if PylB is a single-turnover enzyme, studies have shown that, at least in the absence of PylC and/or PylD, it is only capable of a single-turnover.

Quitterer F, List A, Eisenreich W, Bacher A, Groll M.

Crystal structure of methylornithine synthase (PylB): insights into the pyrrolysine biosynthesis

▸ Abstract

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2012;51(6):1339-1342 | PubMed ID: 22095926

See Fig 4 for proposed mechanism review. and Scheme 2 for original proposal

Static File Downloads

File Name Description Parameters Stats
network.fam349.bs60.mek250K.xgmml One node per sequence network min bit score = 60
max edge count = 250K
size = 508K
num_edges = 861
num_nodes = 42
sfld_alignment_fam349.msa Annotated Sequence Alignment, Stockholm format 14 sequences
size: 7.0K

Total number of functional domains in this group.
Number of Functional Domains that have been manually or automatically been assigned to a family.
Number of Functional Domains that have not been assigned to a family.
Number of structures available from the PDB for members of this group.
Number of Functional Domains with 100% of Conserved Residues
Number of Functional Domains with less than 100% Conserved Residues

Active Site

Catalyzed Reaction(s)

methylornithine synthase


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