Structure 3T7V

Enzyme Functional Domain

EFD Name BLAST Pct Identity/
Pct Aligned
Maps via UniProtKB Superfamily Subgroup Family
3-methylornithine synthase (PylB) 100.0% / 100.0% Yes Radical SAM HydE/PylB-like 3-methylornithine synthase (PylB-like)
methylornithine synthase-like protein 96.53% / 100.0% No Radical SAM HydE/PylB-like 3-methylornithine synthase (PylB-like)
Percent identity and alignment length from the BLAST match of the Functional Domain sequence to the PDB sequence.
"Yes" indicates that a GI associated with this Functional Domain was mapped to the PDB ID via UniProtKB.
Co-crystallized Molecule(s): Iron/Sulfur Cluster; S-Adenosylmethionine; 5-Amino-D-Isoleucine

PDB Molecule Name: Methylornithine Synthase Pylb | PDB: 3T7V | Catalytic Site Atlas: 3T7V