Top Level Name

  ⌊ Superfamily (core) Enolase

    ⌊ Subgroup muconate cycloisomerase

     ⌊ Family N-succinylamino acid racemase 1

Total 100% <100%
Functional domains 17 0 17
UniProtKB 14 0 14
GI 47 0 47
Structures 9
Reactions 2
Functional domains of this family were last updated on Nov. 22, 2017
New functional domains were last added to this family on April 6, 2015

Enzymes in the N-succinylamino acid racemase 1 (NSAR1) family catalyze the racemization of N-succinyl-D/L-amino acids, as part of a pathway for the conversion of D- to L-amino acids. The experimentally characterized enzyme from Geobacillus kaustophilus efficiently catalyzes the racemization of hydrophobic, polar, and some basic N-succinyl-D/L-amino acids. Enzymes in this family are highly similar to enzymes in the o-succinylbenzoate synthase family, and some may also function biologically as OSBSs. Although the reaction catalyzed by this family is similar to that catalyzed by the NSAR2 family (differing only in the preference of N-succinyl arginine/lysine for NSAR2 versus N-succinyl hydrophobic amino acids for NSAR1), phylogenetic analysis suggests that these two families have independent evolutionary origins within the enolase superfamily. Not surprisingly, the amino acids responsible for substrate recognition appear to differ between the two families.

Sakai A, Xiang DF, Xu C, Song L, Yew WS, Raushel FM, Gerlt JA

Evolution of enzymatic activities in the enolase superfamily: N-succinylamino acid racemase and a new pathway for the irreversible conversion of D- to L-amino acids

▸ Abstract

Biochemistry 2006;45(14):4455-4462 | PubMed ID: 16584181

No notes.

Static File Downloads

File Name Description Parameters Stats
network.fam116.bs60.mek250K.xgmml One node per sequence network min bit score = 60
max edge count = 250K
size = 70K
num_edges = 136
num_nodes = 17
sfld_alignment_fam116.msa Annotated Sequence Alignment, Stockholm format 6 sequences
size: 3.8K

Total number of functional domains in this group.
Number of Functional Domains that have been manually or automatically been assigned to a family.
Number of Functional Domains that have not been assigned to a family.
Number of structures available from the PDB for members of this group.
Number of Functional Domains with 100% of Conserved Residues
Number of Functional Domains with less than 100% Conserved Residues

Active Site

Catalyzed Reaction(s)

N-acylamino acid racemase


EC: 5.1.1.- | IntEnz: 5.1.1.- | Kegg: 5.1.1.- | BioCyc: 5.1.1.- | BRENDA: 5.1.1.- |

N-succinylamino acid racemase

N-succinyl-L-amino acid residue
N-succinyl-D-amino acid

EC: | IntEnz: | Kegg: | BioCyc: | BRENDA: |