Top Level Name
⌊ Superfamily (core) Radical SAM
⌊ Subgroup organic radical-activating enzymes
⌊ FunctionalDomain uncharacterized Organic radical-activating enzymes subgroup sequence (ID 440927)
No Notes.
Superfamily Assignment Evidence Code(s) | IEA |
This entry was last updated on | June 10, 2017 |
References to Other Databases
Species | GI | Accession | Proteome |
Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae str. ATCC BAA-1581 Taxon ID: 523831 | 379051953 | EHY69844.1 (Genbank) | URP |
obsolete GIs = 423139399, 487392627 |
Length of Enzyme (full-length): 277 | Length of Functional Domain: 245
Conserved catalytic residues (as determined by automated alignment to family, subgroup, or superfamily HMMs) are shown with teal highlighting . Conserved catalytic residues which do not matched the Conserved Alignment Residue are shown with maroon highlighting . Information regarding their function can be found in the Conserved Residues section below.