Top Level Name

  ⌊ Superfamily (core) Radical SAM

    ⌊ Subgroup spore photoproduct lyase like

     ⌊ Family spore photoproduct lyase 2

Total 100% <100%
Functional domains 102 102 0
UniProtKB 321 321 0
GI 518 518 0
Structures 0
Reactions 1
Functional domains of this family were last updated on June 10, 2017
New functional domains were last added to this family on June 22, 2014

These enzymes are involved in the repair of UV radiation-induced DNA damage during spore germination. They can repair thymine dimer 5-thyminyl-5,6-dihydrothymine (known as spore photoproduct (SP)) by in situ monomerization of spore photoproduct to two thymines. This family of enzymes uses the SAM as a cofactor (rather than in a stoichiometric manner). This set of SPL enzymes is distinguished from the other SPL family as its fourth conserved Cys residue occurs before the CxxxCxxC motif, unlike in the other SPL family, in which is occurs after the CxxxCxxC motif.

Benjdia A, Heil K, Barends TR, Carell T, Schlichting I

Structural insights into recognition and repair of UV-DNA damage by Spore Photoproduct Lyase, a radical SAM enzyme

▸ Abstract

Nucleic Acids Res 2012;None(None):None-None | PubMed ID: 22761404

No notes.

Static File Downloads

File Name Description Parameters Stats
network.fam412.bs60.mek250K.xgmml One node per sequence network min bit score = 60
max edge count = 250K
size = 2.8M
num_edges = 5151
num_nodes = 102
sfld_alignment_fam412.msa Annotated Sequence Alignment, Stockholm format 44 sequences
size: 17K

Total number of functional domains in this group.
Number of Functional Domains that have been manually or automatically been assigned to a family.
Number of Functional Domains that have not been assigned to a family.
Number of structures available from the PDB for members of this group.
Number of Functional Domains with 100% of Conserved Residues
Number of Functional Domains with less than 100% Conserved Residues

Catalyzed Reaction(s)

spore photoproduct lyase

(5R)-5,6-dihydro-5-(thymidin-7-yl)thymidine (in double-helical DNA)
Two thymine residues (in DNA)

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