Top Level Name

  ⌊ Superfamily (core) Radical SAM

    ⌊ Subgroup BATS domain containing


     ⌊ Family [FeFe] hydrogenase maturase (HydE-like)

Total 100% <100%
Functional domains 222 222 0
UniProtKB 451 451 0
GI 786 786 0
Structures 10
Reactions 0
Functional domains of this family were last updated on June 10, 2017
New functional domains were last added to this family on June 22, 2014

Maturation of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site depends on at least the expression of three gene products called HydE, HydF, and HydG. Although the exact role of HydE in the formation of the cofactor in [FeFe]-hydrogenase is still unknown, it is thought to be involved in the formation and incorporation of the -C#N and C#O ligands.

Nicolet Y, Rubach JK, Posewitz MC, Amara P, Mathevon C, Atta M, Fontecave M, Fontecilla-Camps JC.

X-ray structure of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase maturase HydE from Thermotoga maritima

▸ Abstract

J Biol Chem 2008;283(27):18861-18872 | PubMed ID: 18400755

Rohac R, Amara P, Benjdia A, Martin L, Ruffié P, Favier A, Berteau O, Mouesca JM, Fontecilla-Camps JC, Nicolet Y

Carbon-sulfur bond-forming reaction catalysed by the radical SAM enzyme HydE

▸ Abstract

Nat Chem 2016;8(5):491-500 | PubMed ID: 27102684

Updated for a stricter definition, which includes the second FeS binding site

Static File Downloads

File Name Description Parameters Stats
network.fam348.bs60.mek250K.xgmml One node per sequence network min bit score = 60
max edge count = 250K
size = 13M
num_edges = 24531
num_nodes = 222
sfld_alignment_fam348.msa Annotated Sequence Alignment, Stockholm format 163 sequences
size: 64K

Total number of functional domains in this group.
Number of Functional Domains that have been manually or automatically been assigned to a family.
Number of Functional Domains that have not been assigned to a family.
Number of structures available from the PDB for members of this group.
Number of Functional Domains with 100% of Conserved Residues
Number of Functional Domains with less than 100% Conserved Residues

Active Site